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Example of JAXB-annotated POGO, marshalled and unmarshalled via static methods of JAXB object.
0 1225 posted 10 years ago by alces
Returns, how many hudson slaves is connected and working now
0 916 posted 10 years ago by alces
I was using Groovy to use Cajo to do distributed processing and after def cajo = new Cajo(); the process would never terminate on it's own until I discovered gnu.cajo.invoke.Remote.shutdown();
0 835 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
See: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2406341/how-to-check-if-an-ip-address-is-the-local-host-on-a-multi-homed-system
0 804 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
ActiveMQ 5.8 Groovy Embeded Broker Example - Laurence Toenjes - 5/14/2013 This example overcomes some limitations of the basic ActiveMQ embedded brokers examples I found online Some of the challenges were: # Multiple instances on same mac...
0 1142 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
// file: install_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT.groovy // url: http://faroe228.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/SvnAndMvnInstallFor_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT/InstallScript/install_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT.groovy
0 801 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Get obj props using java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo()
0 933 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Drop this in your project dir and run it. This will recursively kill CVS files and folders.
0 863 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Groovy file to md5 using Groovy and AntBuilder
0 974 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
0 783 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
see http://groovy.codehaus.org/gapi/groovy/inspect/swingui/ObjectBrowser.html
0 869 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Sample SVN call from gradle: doSvnMain( 'your', 'svn', 'args', 'go', 'here' );
0 1071 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Created this to generate file:/ script path for Groovy Refreshable Spring Beans for use in applicationContext.groovy because refresh feature wouldn't work when Groovy script is looked up on classpath.
0 936 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
When this snippet is added to a class it provides the boolean property: osWindows
0 892 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
See: http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-start/7.1.1.v20100517/org/eclipse/jetty/start/Main.java#Main.stop%28int%2Cjava.lang.String%29
0 851 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Groovy - Freemind - getModeController()
0 807 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Groovy fileToMd5
0 888 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
close a JFrame window the same way as when the user clicks on the X close window button
0 985 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Safe way to recursive delete directory
0 1015 posted 11 years ago by alces
Groovy Gradle create-dirs
0 849 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
1 1201 posted 12 years ago by laurenceosx
Groovy Freemind RecurseNode
0 792 posted 12 years ago by laurenceosx
Groovy Swing Recurse Components
0 799 posted 12 years ago by laurenceosx
used this to download a bunch of wsdls. Put all addresses in a file and execute the script like groovy download.groovy file.txt
0 2044 posted 12 years ago by m3rol666
bind it to ctrl+enter and everything that GroovyConsole do jEdit will do too. Uses groovy installation.
0 526 posted 12 years ago by guai
I used this because I had a legacy db table that all fields are char. the right spaces were a pita. The rightTrim function can be viewed in my profile
0 635 posted 12 years ago by m3rol666
this example is based on http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape
0 782 posted 13 years ago by laurenceosx
Write File while replacing from anothther
0 697 posted 13 years ago by elm
0 659 posted 13 years ago by laurenceosx
0 671 posted 13 years ago by laurenceosx
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