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Static images (without generation) UL/LI list navigation fully manageable via backend
0 1019 posted 14 years ago by z0r1k
This code will arrange any number of images (or display objects) in a grid, you can specify how many columns the grid contains.
3 990 posted 14 years ago by jknight42
This simply php function will retrieve the links of the images from Google Images searched with a keyword. The function just calls images.google.it and parse the html to find the url of the images, in this case the urls are stored in the javascript,...
0 3113 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
0 862 posted 14 years ago by jfoucher
1 1235 posted 14 years ago by espinallab
So here is something a lot of people have been wondering to do in the forums. How do I take a UIImage or any image and post it to a website. So this will go over how to do that. There are two ways to tackle this issue. One we can base64 encode the...
2 1143 posted 15 years ago by espinallab
Con esto puedes tener control de las imagenes que fueron cargadas y las que no.
0 776 posted 15 years ago by jrobinsonc
1 804 posted 15 years ago by luizlopes
2 1119 posted 15 years ago by jannisg
This snippet is just an upgrade to the "http://snipplr.com/view/7396/php-file-extension-case-changer/" code. This particular code works on image files... although you can just change this line [if (preg_match("/(jpg|gif|png|bmp)/",$ext)) ] to target...
0 1395 posted 15 years ago by el-artiste
Ever needed to use to background images in a table or div? It is possible b just using css. Although this is yet to be a standard safari will allow you to apply 2! Css backgrounds, however IE, FIRFOX and retro opera users will only see 1 !
1 940 posted 15 years ago by scopefragger
This is a really useful techniques for preloading images on your website. Just place this code after the body tag in the CSS file. Everytime you refer to this image in your CSS file the image will be loaded from cache.
1 830 posted 15 years ago by SunilTee
By default ps2pdf re-encodes images, which usually reduces their quality. The commandline below prevents that. It also embeds fonts into the PDF, making it more portable. Substitute -sPAPERSIZE=letter if you are American.
0 1065 posted 15 years ago by deepsoul
1 989 posted 15 years ago by cshaiku
A simple one-liner to resize images from commandline
1 1113 posted 15 years ago by ping_ch
I believe that Accrisoft has a fetch all images from db function built in, but you could always use some php to create the image array
5 1069 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
2 863 posted 15 years ago by kokikr
When we can't or won't change the code of image tag with align attribute, but no 'style="margin: 0 10px 10px 0;' or 'hspace=10px' (IMHO, hspace makes bad looking layout in most cases) code within (just pure <img> code), we can use simple CSS rules f...
1 1094 posted 15 years ago by kossmoss
0 1380 posted 15 years ago by eden159
5 1009 posted 15 years ago by jamesming
Can be applied to any element, but is most relevent when applied to an image.
2 900 posted 15 years ago by Unreal
A tutorial showing you how to give your images some style using only CSS rather than using Photoshop to give images a border/frame.
1 1065 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
This snippet assumes that you have a container `div` with an id of "images". It also assumes that each img element inside your container div has the CSS property `visibility: hidden`
0 640 posted 16 years ago by username