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Dropdown navigation is fairly inaccessible as it depends on hover events in 99.9% of cases. Tabbing through the navigation with the keyboard fails to reveal the dropdowns leaving those navigation items virtually inaccessible. Worse, each of the hidde...
0 1968 posted 15 years ago by chrisdpratt
If you have your wordpress subpages organized by parent pages... and you dont want the parent pages "clickable" this will fix you right up...
0 750 posted 15 years ago by mdesilets
Spotlight Navigation effect using AS3 and Tweenlite Demo: http://www.adamcoulombe.info/lab/as3/spots_test.html FLA: http://www.adamcoulombe.info/lab/as3/spots_test.fla
2 1195 posted 15 years ago by adamcoulombe
0 742 posted 15 years ago by Perun
1 893 posted 15 years ago by xxc
0 667 posted 15 years ago by xxc
1 769 posted 15 years ago by margot620
To make the menu work in IE6 (which doesn't support the :hover pseudo element on anything but links and tables), the IE6-specific CSS calls on [Whatever:hover][whatever]. If using [Dean Edwards' IE7-js][IE7-js], this is unnecessary as his script fixe...
4 965 posted 15 years ago by chrisdpratt
2 884 posted 15 years ago by KF
Nice clean, and semantically correct breadcrumb XHTML accompanied by the CSS. Create a transparent GIF of the symbol '>' and save it in /img/gt.gif. This will be used for older browsers that don't support the :after pseudo element.
4 952 posted 15 years ago by PeteW
Works in Safari 3.0
1 948 posted 15 years ago by ishottheserif
1 796 posted 15 years ago by skrippendorf
Use javascript to add a class of last onto the first and the last li tags in the navigation (add to global.js). Then use css to style. For instance, if the first li is home, you can set the css to hide this link (if you want the logo to act as your h...
5 1155 posted 15 years ago by kstetson
Wordpress has a built in class that you can style to style the down nav state for the page you are on. Adjust div name accordingly.
1 945 posted 15 years ago by kstetson
This will create a Navigation from a MySQL database table names. It removes the table name "includes" by default so you can see how to remove any certain tables you wish to not use as a site section. Just plug in your MySQL database details and co...
3 927 posted 15 years ago by jiggyhat
This is a snippet to assign an active class to active links when the navigation is included in a php file.
1 754 posted 15 years ago by grazz
Standard list markup, adds button to expand a super dropdown next to the link.
1 1081 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
0 894 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
An example of how to write your own navigation with dynamic "active" classes.
3 1077 posted 16 years ago by kristarella
Simply jQuery script for CSS drop-down menu
7 1144 posted 16 years ago by bcalloway
Internet Explorer (IE) 6 Bug
3 953 posted 16 years ago by bassdas
You'll need to download the latest version of jQuery for this to work, as it is linked in the tag. CSS/XHTML included.
15 3098 posted 16 years ago by dmosher
3 1244 posted 16 years ago by iTony
I'm sure i can clean this up quite a bit, but it works for the moment. This function looks to see if you are on a selected page. If you are it hides the navigation, then loops through and shows each li one after the other. So they don't all fade i...
0 848 posted 16 years ago by 1man
customized breadcrumbnavigation for PHPWCMS. Gives more control over styling and display. {MYBREADCRUMB:n}
0 900 posted 17 years ago by localhorst