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[The original problem was stated as a SQL (SQL Server 2008) problem. This Perl script demonstrates the desired outcome for the problem statement.] PROBLEM STATEMENT: Please help me with SQL Query and requirement is as below: Below is the Da...
0 928 posted 9 years ago by bvwatson
Author: jsinix([email protected] This script can be used to create, delete and update device inventory. This is a basic script that can be modified and improved upon to make it serve better .
0 1275 posted 9 years ago by jsinix
Author: jsinix([email protected]) This is a script that demonstrates how to get input from keyboard with a timeout. This can be useful in many places.
0 1323 posted 9 years ago by jsinix
Maps multiple apps with mount and URLMap
0 843 posted 10 years ago by dbiesecke
Renames files in a directory. If no directory is specified, the current directory is used.
0 900 posted 11 years ago by ff1959
Used to extract the various config parameters from the TRA file
0 905 posted 11 years ago by sukantahazra
This is used to recurse through a directory and perform some action on each file
0 968 posted 11 years ago by sukantahazra
This is the template for a basic project in Perl language with a minimal Debian package build. I always use the I parameter with Perl for use the more updated version of the modules in the debug process.
0 934 posted 11 years ago by VictorMoral
I love this one. Needed a good way to numerically sort IP addresses or OIDs. Took longer to come up with this than I'm willing to admit. Hope others find it useful.
0 1028 posted 11 years ago by kurtkincaid
Snippet obtained from Stackoverflow courtesy of [Loki Astari](http://stackoverflow.com/a/130428)
0 1038 posted 11 years ago by symsec
Find and replace contents of files ending in .php with nothing. then append contents of template.php to all files in directory
0 780 posted 12 years ago by zlincoln
Capture Web Screenshots easily with the [GrabzIt Perl API](http://grabz.it/api/perl/) You will need the free [GrabzIt Code Library](http://grabz.it/api/perl/download.aspx) to get started.
0 975 posted 12 years ago by Maximus1983
How to use a constant in perl
0 866 posted 12 years ago by ff1959
Text filter to increment numbers by one with regex in BBEdit (Mac only)
0 1429 posted 12 years ago by page_lab
Add this to your .profile or .bash_rc file, source the file, navigate to the directory and call "rm_whitespace" Based on: http://snipplr.com/view/4468/batch-rename-files-in-directory/
1 1415 posted 12 years ago by licensetoil
Wrote this script to work with pngcrush command line based program on Windows system to compress several .png images in multiple folders (with only 1 level of folders, rather than that you have to repeat doing it manually). It's fast, and help doi...
0 1113 posted 12 years ago by haxpor
This was for a "Sport Landing Page" where people can select their outfits. There is intial intro box that gets cleared on the first selection. The thumbnails popout on hover. And there is a clear function that takes out all the products selected to j...
0 824 posted 13 years ago by cpres
Program that sums all the values (including big positive/negative integers)
0 781 posted 13 years ago by apoz
Recursive delete of given file or folder, e.g. .svn folder Call : [Program] [SearchPath] [DeleteItem]
0 798 posted 13 years ago by FazzyX
list all files in dir
0 936 posted 13 years ago by yoblob
This is a script that simply prints the current month. I produced this a couple years ago and use it as a reference for using the localtime() function.
0 1435 posted 13 years ago by numberwhun
This is a handy little bit that will show you all of the installed modules on the system.
0 567 posted 13 years ago by numberwhun
send SMS to any mobile phone number (or a list) worldwide.
0 791 posted 14 years ago by smsmatrix
0 691 posted 14 years ago by joe-bbb
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