
Member since 02/26/2007

Website: http://1000milejourney.com

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Renders the partial template called 'cart', sends along local variable @cart, this will be known locally using the same name as the partial, 'cart'.
1 785 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
The code tests if session[:counter] exists. If you leave out the all important '?', it will fail with an error.
1 899 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
This will add up all the prices and return it? What does |item| mean exactly?
2 752 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
Redirects from one method to another in a controller. This is handy when there's an error, and you need to go back to index page, or for other purposes.
1 829 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
Adds a button in view, which triggers a method. "Empty cart" is the button name empty_cart is the method name
1 716 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
Catches an exception error, uses a technique called flash to display error on another page. The Ruby on Rails code needs to be in a controller. The rhtml code needs to be in the index layout.
1 745 posted 17 years ago by wackimonki
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