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Split and manipulate URLs easily with this module. It has similar interface to Python's urlparse library. This is patched and modified version from Denis's orignal implementation.
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/** * @projectDescription Poly9's polyvalent URLParser class * * Modified to URL reconstruction by Mikko Ohtamaa. * * @authorDenis Laprise <[email protected]>, Mikko Ohtamaa <[email protected]> * * @version 0.2 * @namespace Poly9 * * How to query URL: * * <pre> * var p = new Poly9.URLParser('http://user:[email protected]/pathname?arguments=1#fragment'); * p.getHost() == 'poly9.com'; * p.getProtocol() == 'http'; * p.getPathname() == '/pathname'; * p.getQuerystring() == 'arguments=1'; * p.getFragment() == 'fragment'; * p.getUsername() == 'user'; * p.getPassword() == 'password'; * </pre> * * How to manipulate URL: * * <pre> * var p = new Poly9.URLParser("http://localhost:8080/path); * * p.setQuerystring("foo=bar"); * p.setFragment("anchor"); * p.setPort(7070); * * var url = p.getURL() // http://localhost:7070/path?foo=bar#anchor * </pre> * * See the unit test file for more examples. * URLParser is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * * The orignal code: https://code.poly9.com/trac/browser/urlparser/urlparser.js * * http://poly9.com * * http://www.twinapex.com */ if (typeof Poly9 == 'undefined') var Poly9 = {}; /** * Creates an URLParser instance * * @classDescription Creates an URLParser instance * @return {Object} return an URLParser object * @param {String} url The url to parse * @constructor * @exception {String} Throws an exception if the specified url is invalid */ Poly9.URLParser = function(url) { this._fields = {'Username' : 4, 'Password' : 5, 'Port' : 7, 'Protocol' : 2, 'Host' : 6, 'Pathname' : 8, 'URL' : 0, 'Querystring' : 9, 'Fragment' : 10}; this._values = {}; this._regex = null; this.version = 0.2; // MO: Fixed fragments are allowed to contain dash this._regex = /^((\w+):\/\/)?((\w+):?(\w+)?@)?([^\/\?:]+):?(\d+)?(\/?[^\?#]+)?\??([^#]+)?#?([^#]*)/; for (var f in this._fields) { this['get' + f] = this._makeGetter(f); this['set' + f] = this._makeSetter(f); } // Patch in getURL, since otherwise field generators override this this.getURL = this._getURL; if (typeof url != 'undefined') this._parse(url); } /** * @method * @param {String} url The url to parse * @exception {String} Throws an exception if the specified url is invalid */ Poly9.URLParser.prototype.setURL = function(url) { this._parse(url); } /** * Rebuild the URL to string form * * @method * @return {String} Reconstructed full URL */ Poly9.URLParser.prototype._getURL = function() { var s; s = this.getProtocol(); s += "://" if(this.getUsername() != '') { s += this.getUsername(); } if(this.getPassword() != '') { s += ":"; s += this.getPassword(); } if(this.getUsername() != '') { s += "@"; } s += this.getHost(); if(this.getPort() != '') { s += ":" + this.getPort(); } s += this.getPathname(); if(this.getQuerystring() != '') { s += "?" + this.getQuerystring(); } if(this.getFragment() != '') { s += "#" + this.getFragment(); } return s; } Poly9.URLParser.prototype._initValues = function() { for(var f in this._fields) this._values[f] = ''; } Poly9.URLParser.prototype._parse = function(url) { this._initValues(); var r = this._regex.exec(url); if (!r) throw "DPURLParser::_parse -> Invalid URL" for(var f in this._fields) if (typeof r[this._fields[f]] != 'undefined') this._values[f] = r[this._fields[f]]; } Poly9.URLParser.prototype._makeGetter = function(field) { return function() { return this._values[field]; } } Poly9.URLParser.prototype._makeSetter = function(field) { return function(value) { this._values[field] = value; } }
URL: http://blog.redinnovation.com/2008/11/29/python-like-urlparser-module-for-javascript/