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/* This code creates the macro variable DAY that is the nth day of the month. The macro variable is in the SAS date format */ %macro test1(checkday,month,year); %global day; %let date=%str(%'01)%upcase(%substr(&month,1,3))&year%str(%'d); %put date=&date; /*determine today's date %let date=%sysfunc(today()); */ %let nthday=0; %let n=0; %do %until(&nthday=&checkday); /* create a variable whose value is the first day of the month*/ %let begin_month=%sysfunc(intnx(month,&date,0,B)); /* increment the date by 1 day at a time*/ %let day=%sysfunc(intnx(day,&begin_month,&n)); /* determine the day of the week*/ %let weekday=%sysfunc(weekday(&day)); /* if the day of the week is not Saturday or Sunday then increment nthday plus 1*/ %if &weekday ne 7 and &weekday ne 1 %then %let nthday=%eval(&nthday+1); %let n=%eval(&n+1); %end; /* checks the DAY macro variable by writing it to the log in the DATE9. format*/ %put %sysfunc(putn(&day,date9.)); %mend; %test1(5,SEP,2010) %macro test2(checkday,month,year);); %global day; data test; date=input(compress('01'||substr("&month",1,3)||&year),date9.); put date=; nthday=0; n=0; do until(nthday=&checkday); begin_month=intnx('month',date,0,'B'); day=intnx('day',begin_month,n); weekday=weekday(day); if weekday ne 7 and weekday ne 1 then nthday=nthday+1; n+1; end; drop begin_month weekday date n; run; proc print; format day date9.; run; %mend; %test2(8,april,2010)
URL: http://sastechies.blogspot.com/2009/12/finding-nth-business-day-of-month.html