
Member since 04/16/2013

Name: Dean Householder

Location: USA


I enjoy scripting in: autohotkey, php, javascript, css, html, bash, batch

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deanhouseholder's Recent SnippetsTagged apache

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This script allows you to monitor a list of applications each running on servers in different environments. For example, these can be webservers: apache/nginx/etc., application servers: tomcat/nodejs/IIS/etc., database servers: mysql/oracle/etc., or...
0 920 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
By default Apache won't allow you to download a file over 2GB. This PHP script overcomes that along with some extra goodies. The script will read from standard url path the file on the server to download and display the filesize along with a link...
1 1003 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
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