
Member since 04/16/2013

Name: Dean Householder

Location: USA


I enjoy scripting in: autohotkey, php, javascript, css, html, bash, batch

8 snippets

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deanhouseholder's Recent Snippets

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This script allows you to monitor a list of applications each running on servers in different environments. For example, these can be webservers: apache/nginx/etc., application servers: tomcat/nodejs/IIS/etc., database servers: mysql/oracle/etc., or...
0 1020 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
This batch script writes a temporary .vbs file which will invoke a UAC prompt to open an administrator command prompt. This makes it easy to create a shortcut to an admin prompt.
0 856 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
Simple functions to add, fetch or delete cookies in the browser via JavaScript.
0 786 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
By default Apache won't allow you to download a file over 2GB. This PHP script overcomes that along with some extra goodies. The script will read from standard url path the file on the server to download and display the filesize along with a link...
1 1129 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
Call this function to activate a named window.
0 959 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
This is a script. It runs on Windows and allows you to lock your computer by simply hitting a single key combination and unlock it with a different one. Download the whole script at the url listed.
0 1295 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
If you have a script that must be run as the root user, put this at the top:
1 1098 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
In order to use a proxy by default for your network-based commands, create the file "~/.ssh/config" and give it these properties. Replace "proxyhost" with the hostname/IP of the proxy server and "80" with the port of the proxy server.
0 923 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
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