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1. Create a proxy on 8080 to foreword traffic to your server 2. Install Foxyproxy and use options and SOCKS5 enabled 3. Profit
1 707 posted 14 years ago by benpjohnson
0 821 posted 14 years ago by moonbather
Cleans SVN from a directory and all sub directories.
0 594 posted 14 years ago by skechy
0 783 posted 14 years ago by traeregan
Eu ouço podcasts no mp3 do carro. Problema: Se quero adiantar 10 minutos, preciso ficar 3 minutos com o dedo pressionando o >> :( Solução: Dividir podcasts com mais de 40Mb em trechos de 5 minutos. A linha abaixo acha esses arquivos no cartÃ...
0 512 posted 14 years ago by gpupo
0 659 posted 14 years ago by stayce
I use this bash oneliner all the time to recursively search for a string in large codebases. I use it when searching for mentions of tables, databases, function definitions, function calls etcetera.\r\n\r\nIt searches through a number of file types (...
1 859 posted 14 years ago by niels_bom
Put this in /etc/ufw/before.rules
0 603 posted 14 years ago by kelvinn
0 671 posted 14 years ago by nathwill
from: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-the-largest-filesdirectories-on-a-linuxunixbsd-filesystem/
0 822 posted 14 years ago by edeustace
1 736 posted 14 years ago by eme_dlr
0 616 posted 14 years ago by therobot
0 572 posted 14 years ago by edeustace
0 554 posted 14 years ago by edeustace
0 771 posted 14 years ago by vigoncas
Yes, my code sucks, but I hope it will be useful... :-)
1 657 posted 14 years ago by ksaver
0 672 posted 14 years ago by apro2000
This script let you back up your servers at once from a central backup server. First you must copy the central server ssh public key into the servers to backup (without password). After that you can install this script with a cron.
0 645 posted 14 years ago by eusonlito
Script to backup all MySQL databases and delete copies after X days
1 667 posted 14 years ago by eusonlito
0 558 posted 14 years ago by rkumar
0 748 posted 14 years ago by bdani
Add user foo to group bar
0 769 posted 14 years ago by smoover
To rename a bunch of files from "*.foo" to "*.bar" (like windows' REN *.foo *.bar) in unix. Looking at the solution, it is easy to adapt it to more powerful character substitutions on a 1 to 1 basis. If you want to test what will be executed b...
0 821 posted 14 years ago by jarnaldich
Dumps the contents of a mysql database to a .sql file named by the current date.
0 709 posted 14 years ago by gdvickery
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