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With this CSS to make the page 2 main content columns: .custom #content .sidebar {width:48%; margin-right:2%; float:left;}
1 615 posted 13 years ago by kristarella
0 631 posted 13 years ago by nosmk
# function *formatArrayForDisplay* ## parameters: * **array** a 1- or 2-dimensional array for output * **mode** accepts **human** or **PHP** * **human** displays using `<pre>` tags and print_r * **PHP** displays PHP styl...
1 1058 posted 13 years ago by daveespionage
Ordenamento de array para exibição em colunas múltiplas, via UL float.
0 609 posted 13 years ago by dessimoni
Here are some IDs for the default links WP 3.1 adds, found in /wp-includes/admin-bar.php: my-account / my-account-with-avatar : the first link, to your account. Note that the ID here changes depending on if you have Avatars enabled or not. my-blo...
0 712 posted 13 years ago by crs
Easy but powerful.
0 565 posted 13 years ago by iamdezzy
0 741 posted 13 years ago by zreedeecom
Advance Mail function using PHP Mailer Class
1 793 posted 13 years ago by erraja_07
This is a really short function you can use inside The Loop to get the parent page slug (useful to add to the body classes or something)
0 2981 posted 13 years ago by tomasdev
0 807 posted 13 years ago by zepner
The date format is dd/mm/YYYY but you can replace slashes by anything else.
0 758 posted 13 years ago by ptiswitz
If a post is published without setting a featured image and there is an image attachment, this will select an image from the media library and set it as the featured image.
0 708 posted 13 years ago by chrs
1 669 posted 13 years ago by mchadwick
a flexible function for making time periods readable
0 877 posted 13 years ago by bitstream
Put this code in your theme, where you want to show followers count. Don't forget to change USERNAME.xml to your twitter user name.
0 788 posted 13 years ago by kirichev
Re-indexes an array so that the array keys count up from zero. This is useful if you have previously removed some array nodes.
0 627 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Put this in your functions.php
0 889 posted 13 years ago by kirichev
Removes 'false', '0', 'null' or '' from the array
0 898 posted 13 years ago by f6design
I'm just trying
0 725 posted 13 years ago by iamdezzy
Most of this code is by: http://www.wprecipes.com/get-tags-specific-to-a-particular-category-on-your-wordpress-blog I simply added the Tag Cloud
0 733 posted 13 years ago by daif
Embed a video via PHP without using `the_content` filter in WordPress. From luckykind at http://wordpress.org/support/topic/call-function-called-by-embed-shortcode-direct
0 631 posted 13 years ago by jevets
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