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Mix EE channel tag into javascript add the following code into the config array.
0 664 posted 13 years ago by audiopleb
Say you don’t want to reset ALL your orders, maybe you want to PRUNE a production database. if that’s the case, this php file (added to a crontab, or ran from your magento root directory) will DELETE all cancelled orders (5000 limit per instance)...
0 660 posted 13 years ago by hotdiggity
0 677 posted 13 years ago by takel
0 563 posted 13 years ago by nosmk
0 598 posted 13 years ago by nosmk
0 577 posted 13 years ago by nosmk
0 582 posted 13 years ago by nosmk
Use by sending a unix timestamp to countTime(timestamp). It will return something like 40 seconds , 2 weeks, 1 hour. Then just format to your needs like we do in our app: Someone was here 10 minutes ago.
0 738 posted 13 years ago by GeorgeL
Ported to PHP from here: http://snipplr.com/view/48067/ (original: http://paulirish.com/2009/random-hex-color-code-snippets/)
2 968 posted 13 years ago by ozke
converts array (which is reference) in format <code> array(0 => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'orange'), 1 => array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'banana')); </code> to <code> array(1 => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'orange'), 3 => array('id' => 3, 'n...
0 652 posted 13 years ago by slav123
0 594 posted 13 years ago by sedgemonkey
0 643 posted 13 years ago by sedgemonkey
0 714 posted 13 years ago by janvdm
Registro de usuario en PHP con validación y activación por mail
0 1316 posted 13 years ago by danideu
0 928 posted 13 years ago by telltec
0 714 posted 13 years ago by zac
Registro de usuarios en PHP con validación y activación por mail
0 1432 posted 13 years ago by danideu
This simply takes an array and coverts it to variables. E.g. If you had an array, $array = array("key" => "value"), after running this script, $key would be "value".
0 706 posted 13 years ago by mloberg
1 929 posted 13 years ago by mfigge
1 863 posted 13 years ago by konkas
Different formats for listing states.
0 891 posted 13 years ago by MikeNGarrett
0 751 posted 13 years ago by jorisros
If user enters city.php from footer.php, page will return certain string. If user enters independently, solution lets user see predefined string (in this case, 'your city').
0 1209 posted 13 years ago by stephcode
found this somewhere online...not the author, but works like a charm
0 793 posted 13 years ago by sadus
This class can log messages to a file. If the log file becomes too large (over 1MB), the class will archive it and will create new. If there are archives older than one month, they will be deleted automatically. In the future versions I will add th...
0 902 posted 13 years ago by stz184
IE will redirect the entire page, and disable any ajax calls within an iframe application. This fixes those issues.
0 668 posted 13 years ago by theriddlebrothers
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