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Get text for system errors
0 759 posted 11 years ago by dck11
The CSS calc() function can be used anywhere a length, frequency, angle, time, number, or integer is required. It can be used to apply values for width/height; font-size; margins; padding; borders; shadows; border radius; text-indent;top/right/bottom...
0 878 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
git checkout remote branch
0 892 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
git delete local branch
2 882 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Git create new branch
2 844 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Uploading a binary file(like .doc) to Dropbox. I tried with .ics and it worked.
0 890 posted 11 years ago by RobinD
You can use Curl to create a backup of your site easily. It is very effective method for those who complain that they lost site content.
0 800 posted 11 years ago by codehero11
Snippet may be usefull for cloning table header to the bottom of table. Snippet will clone all children elements from thead, reverse and insert to tfoot. Example at jsFiddle: <a href="http://jsfiddle.net/xWWYN/">jsFiddle</a>
0 1259 posted 11 years ago by NeXTs
I wanted a time based gantt chart in excel. Robert's excel template was very useful. The hourly gantt chart was not useful to visualize my needs. I need something with 10 mins precision to analyse patterns in jobs that are running under 15 mins. So t...
0 824 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
To correct the shift that happens on hover when the weight of the link is normal, but bold on hover.
0 996 posted 11 years ago by stephcode
using this code in a stored procedure you can reset the seed of the identity column in sql server database
0 712 posted 11 years ago by PalCoder
How can I do a function once a toggleClass has completed? The .toggleClass method along with all other animation methods return a deferred object that you can access using .promise(). At that point, you can bind to it's done method.
1 738 posted 11 years ago by satie83
Iterating through a Dropbox Folder
0 791 posted 11 years ago by RobinD
For side by side ULs that become too wide on small screens/devices. The following script let you merge or unmerge ULs depending on the size of the screen/device. Works with jQuery
0 847 posted 11 years ago by jbernus
How to put sidebars footer on twenty twelve theme again. Part 5: add the styles necesary in style.css (this styles are no optimized -yet- for the responsive layout)
1 692 posted 11 years ago by almendro
How to put sidebars footer on twenty twelve theme again. Part 4: Insert a new function (retouched from twentyeleven) in the functions.php file.
1 711 posted 11 years ago by almendro
How to put sidebars footer on twenty twelve theme again. Part 3: Insert this register_sidebar at the end of the function twentytwelve_widgets_init() into functions.php
1 670 posted 11 years ago by almendro
How to put sidebars footer on twenty twelve theme again. Part 2: Create the file sidebar-footer.php into the theme directory
1 723 posted 11 years ago by almendro
How to put sidebars footer on twenty twelve theme again. Part 1: Insert the call in the footer.php
1 725 posted 11 years ago by almendro
This SQL would help you to transpose a rows into columns in SQL
0 2187 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
This would round down the time stamp to the nearest 5 minute interval based on first interval being 00:00:00.
0 872 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
Assuming that by empty means "has no properties of its own"
0 830 posted 11 years ago by satie83
I was using Groovy to use Cajo to do distributed processing and after def cajo = new Cajo(); the process would never terminate on it's own until I discovered gnu.cajo.invoke.Remote.shutdown();
0 899 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This formula will automatically change a cell's background color if there is data in it. You can also change the formula to only fill cells where there is no data.
0 844 posted 11 years ago by kidmizere
Push branch to remote in git.
1 882 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Simple Progress Bars with only CSS
0 680 posted 11 years ago by oscarlgarcia
This sample contains 2 macro techniques for iterating through character values on a macro %DO loop.
0 1246 posted 11 years ago by webonomic
Import/export gunzipped compressed mysql database
0 876 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
This is a template for a UIPickerView delegate and data source. Implement these methods to manage UIPickerViews.
1 1120 posted 11 years ago by BreadicalMD
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