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IE doesn't like console.log. This fixes that.
1 842 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Works like a charm. Read manual on site. For use with Worpdress, replace $ with jQuery.
1 1079 posted 11 years ago by zartgesotten
Just a test...
0 644 posted 11 years ago by infolock
Used to stretch a video / image to fill a background without skewing. Attach to resize events
0 912 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
Used to extract the various config parameters from the TRA file
0 892 posted 11 years ago by sukantahazra
This is used to recurse through a directory and perform some action on each file
0 949 posted 11 years ago by sukantahazra
This is a simple fix for the iOS zoom bug that happens when changing screen orientations.
0 837 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
This allows you to create a custom page template in your plugin. Say your plugin creates a custom post type and you want to override the standard archives page template to display your custom post type in a special way. You could achieve this by crea...
0 894 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Create a subtle "recessed" looking divider line. The example restyles the <hr> tag but it can applied to anything.
1 760 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
PHP function to save an image from a remote source then download it to the local server that the script is on.
0 962 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Reference a custom font file for use within a stylesheet
0 705 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
This is my simple image resizer on the fly thing. -- WARNING -- Resizing and showing images on the fly could potentially kill your server or make the website slow. Ideally, this should save the resized image in a cache. However, more often th...
0 1136 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
This is a simple script to go into your downloads directory ( mac ). Move everything to a .YYYY-MM-DD folder. Thus you Downloads directory gets cleaned up and anything that was there has been placed into a hidden folder for finding later. My Downl...
1 691 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
This is a simple wrapper to bc to perform basic calculator duties. with up to 4 decimal place precision. its just one of those things you might find useful. Then again all the os's out there have a gui calc easily ready too.
0 752 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
A function to check the first two bytes to see if they match "MZ" marking it as an executable.
1 2444 posted 11 years ago by jprochazka
Makes working with JSON data, in my eyes, easier in Python. Instead of json_data['key']['key']['key'] Do json_data.key.key.key This can also be modified to work the same way with dict types.
1 820 posted 11 years ago by plainwreck
Bulk upload a CSV into Microsoft SQL Server
0 751 posted 11 years ago by dego89
One of the limits of using lists (ordered and unordered) is that they have no provision for a heading. You can do something like: <ul>This is a Title<li> etc... but it is invalid because the list containers can only contain List Items. One way common...
0 861 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
A function and if statement to detect whether or not the browser is a mobile device.
0 1686 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Request the current page name relative to the home directory of the server.
0 820 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Use Javascript to check if JQuery is loaded properly in the browser
1 832 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
See: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2406341/how-to-check-if-an-ip-address-is-the-local-host-on-a-multi-homed-system
0 855 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
add target blank
0 702 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
add incremental classes
0 698 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
Changes shape back and forth from a round element to a square element.
0 723 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
ActiveMQ 5.8 Groovy Embeded Broker Example - Laurence Toenjes - 5/14/2013 This example overcomes some limitations of the basic ActiveMQ embedded brokers examples I found online Some of the challenges were: # Multiple instances on same mac...
0 1203 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
A script to parse emails and return HTML suited for email blast programs
0 758 posted 11 years ago by drydenlong
The following code fetches contents of each Title field from the list called "LandingMiddleLinks"
0 1382 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Easy way to access request URI to WP in order to not repeat whole templates for minor changes
0 887 posted 11 years ago by jefrancomix
// file: install_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT.groovy // url: http://faroe228.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/SvnAndMvnInstallFor_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT/InstallScript/install_camel-jgroups_2.11-SNAPSHOT.groovy
0 856 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
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