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Button pulse animation (scale up and down)
0 1075 posted 9 years ago by envane21
A simple left-right animation
0 912 posted 9 years ago by envane21
Just add 2 classed (animated fadeInDown) to body
0 835 posted 10 years ago by buda9
Chrome bug-fix. CSS forces Chrome to redraw the fonts
0 1012 posted 10 years ago by eklemen
How to create animate rotation for a element.
0 984 posted 11 years ago by keidash
Simple animation in C4D (R13) consisting of moving a cube from state 1 to state 2 with Python.
0 1134 posted 12 years ago by adarpodracir
A snippet of code from IVM-Awesomesauce that shows how to use included classes to perform a custom animation between two UIViewControllers.
0 781 posted 12 years ago by leftspin
* This will not work in IE.
0 979 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
If you want to tween an object relatively, but the new value changes and needs to be a variable, just cast it as a string.
0 1174 posted 13 years ago by yannxou
Ever notice a weird CS3 animation flicker? Annoying right? Add these CSS3 classes to the objects being animated and it should go away (at least it has in my testing). More details at the link, questions can be postsed either here or there.
0 949 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Fight the "flash" effect at animation start in webkit browsers
0 868 posted 13 years ago by inpixelitrust
How to make numbers update with a smooth animation with jQuery
1 845 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
heartbeat pulse, a css3 animation
0 1124 posted 13 years ago by Roen
Rather than creating an array of images where you list each image individually this will loop through images that all have the filename "frame-X.png" where X is a number from 1 to 20. So if you have a series of images "frame-1.png", "frame-2.png" th...
0 1507 posted 13 years ago by ggrngg
This was for a "Sport Landing Page" where people can select their outfits. There is intial intro box that gets cleared on the first selection. The thumbnails popout on hover. And there is a clear function that takes out all the products selected to j...
0 914 posted 13 years ago by cpres
Use CSS3 to animate the colour of links.
0 839 posted 13 years ago by geekyjohn
This is probably the first vertical JavaScript text ticker that sues tilted letters. Works with Internet Explorer 6x/7x/8x/9x, Firefox 3.6x, Opera 10.5x and Google Chrome 4x/5x/6x. Older Browsers show no ticker.
0 893 posted 13 years ago by fabulant
What's so special about this JavaScript slideshow? By moving your cursor all over the webpage you create a nice distortion effect on your images.
0 800 posted 13 years ago by fabulant
0 862 posted 14 years ago by arpit
This function allows you to pass any div anchor tag as a parameter to scroll to. You can easily add easing after the 'duration' parameter in the jQuery animation function.
8 1467 posted 14 years ago by ksnagra
0 736 posted 14 years ago by delineo
3 852 posted 14 years ago by nveselinov
Another handy one and one which I see quite often. You rollover an element and it animates. You then mouseover and mouseleave really quickly, multiple times and all the animations gets queued. This solves that problem. The delay(200) is like adding...
1 961 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
For those multiple rollovers - and their multiple flashes! The solution is to stop(!) them.
2 835 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
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