
Member since 07/30/2009

Name: Andrew Kharook

Location: Ukraine, Uman

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a1ias's Recent Snippets

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This is a little code snippet that I use in almost every project that isn’t based on a popular CMS. Since its fairly expensive to hit the database on every page load, its a smart idea to cache the plain HTML markup of your page and serve that up. Y...
0 910 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
Check if jquery was loaded from CDN. If not, load it from own website.
0 955 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
Works with any array
0 1025 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
cross-browser solution
0 1080 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
0 762 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
Usage: Let's say we have an url: http://primera.vremenno.net?foo=yes&bar=no var hash = getUrlVars(); alert(hash['foo']); // returns 'yes' alert(hash['bar']); // returns 'no'
0 917 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
HTML should look like this: <div> <p>Lorem ipsum here</p> </div> <div> <img> </div>
0 807 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
0 708 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
Well, many of you are used to just replace the lack of min / max width / height for IE with fixed dimensions, right? But you don’t need to do it anymore. IE is not a strict standards browser and sometimes we can take advantage of this to code thing...
0 865 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
0 655 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
0 652 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
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