
Member since 07/10/2006

Name: Michael Mathews

Location: UK

Website: http://blog.michaelmathews.net/

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There may be an easier way to do this, but if there is I can't find it. This sets the svn property $Id$ of every javaScript file in the app/lib directory.
0 903 posted 16 years ago by micmath
So you don't have to type the password everytime you log in to that remote ssh server. Don't enter a passphrase when prompted, just hit enter. This example is for Mac OS X but is likely to work on *nix plats too.
5 707 posted 16 years ago by micmath
2 660 posted 16 years ago by micmath
Quick way to lock up some sensitive files?
0 803 posted 16 years ago by micmath
This takes about an hour in total to run on my machine, so give yourself enough time. Obviously the configure options will need to be tweaked to match your set up, but this works for me. This assumes you already have MySQL installed.
0 680 posted 16 years ago by micmath
0 522 posted 16 years ago by micmath
This will open up the 443 port in your firewall to TCP connections. Run as root.
0 493 posted 16 years ago by micmath
0 891 posted 16 years ago by micmath
0 813 posted 16 years ago by micmath
From http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/11251.html
1 672 posted 16 years ago by micmath
Change / to the root directory you wish to search in. Change -7 to +7 for files changed more than a week ago.
1 1052 posted 17 years ago by micmath
1 539 posted 17 years ago by micmath
1 569 posted 17 years ago by micmath
Requires SSH access to remote server.
1 859 posted 17 years ago by micmath
Use on a command line to copy a whole directory on a remote server down to your computer. Requires SSH access to remote server.
5 796 posted 17 years ago by micmath
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