
Member since 10/14/2010

Name: Christophe Laffont


Location: Yssingeaux (France)


I\\\'m a Web Developer (Specialist Front-End Web Developer) from Montreal in CANADA Yssingeaux in France and I have over 9 years of experience.\\r\\n\\r\\nI\\\'m making websites using XHTML/CSS with an emphasis on accessibility, semantic markup and usability. I also use Javascript to create user friendly experiences that degrade gracefully.

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# Need $.cookie plugin
1 573 posted 13 years ago by touffies
0 586 posted 13 years ago by touffies
On focus, remove text inside input containing a title, put it back if it has not change
0 490 posted 13 years ago by touffies
0 548 posted 13 years ago by touffies
0 781 posted 13 years ago by touffies
Get all the links and check if there's a rel attribute external, if not, compare href to the current domain name.
0 546 posted 13 years ago by touffies
This function will find elements with your default classOver and will change the file name to add _ro into it. ie: filename.gif -> filename_ro.gif
0 483 posted 13 years ago by touffies
Custom dropdown field, replace defaut dropdown style with custom design. This function does not replace the select field.
1 765 posted 13 years ago by touffies
Custom Radio box, replace with images
2 630 posted 13 years ago by touffies
Custom checkbox field, replace by images
2 687 posted 13 years ago by touffies
Split a single phone number input field into 3 small input fields and create an hidden field for validation and keep server side variable name.
0 839 posted 13 years ago by touffies
if window.jQuery is undefined, there must have been a problem downloading the script from the CDN. In that case, proceed to the right side of the && operator, and insert a script linking to a local version of jQuery.
1 550 posted 13 years ago by touffies
0 519 posted 13 years ago by touffies
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