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search for anything in-between two <TAG>'s and then replace the found string into the PHP if/else staement. $1 is wher TextMate stores the found string. (see http://screenflicker.com/mike/code/textmate-regex-replace/)
3 920 posted 13 years ago by rwczippy
PCRE that matches any kind of YouTube URL and catches its video ID. It supports three kinds of URL: the classic (?v=), the AJAXed one (#!v=) and the short version (youtu.be). It also supports international URLs. Tested with Javascript and PHP.
1 1387 posted 13 years ago by nkm
1 539 posted 14 years ago by arpit
1 1395 posted 14 years ago by gms8994
Accepts: * 123456789 * 123123456789 * 123 123456789
2 612 posted 14 years ago by devision
bei Reddot als benutzerdefinierten Feldtyp einsetzbar
0 549 posted 14 years ago by humanoid
There are multiple ways of checking email adresses about their validity. This script is based on RFC 2822. Please note that based on RFC 2822 [email protected] is considered valid. The second snippet is the one I prefer, which only accepts T...
2 1369 posted 14 years ago by pacey
will split the string "I am" search words into [0] => I am [1] => searching [2] => words
1 653 posted 14 years ago by svenito
Matches are as follows: 0 = protocol 1 = fqdn 2 = subdomain 3 = top level subdomain 4 = domain (blah.com) 5 = port 6 = path 7 = query string 8 = hash
1 630 posted 14 years ago by remotezygote
This regular expression will match almost all valid email addresses. Omits email addresses containing double-quotes and square brackets, which while valid according to [RFC 2822][rfc2822], are almost never used. [rfc2822]: http://tools.ietf.org/ht...
2 861 posted 14 years ago by chrisdpratt
This finds individual CSS attributes, i.e. "foo : bar;" or "bar : 2px solid foo;"
4 1252 posted 14 years ago by mocha0range
This finds CSS style names, i.e. "#foo" or "#foo, .bar" Note: You'll need to chomp the trailing "\s{" off the end of the matched string. I matched it just to make sure that it didn't get anything else.
5 688 posted 14 years ago by mocha0range
This finds the entire style definition - from #foo to the last brace. i.e. ".foo, #bar { foo: bar; foo: bar; bar: foo; }"
4 643 posted 14 years ago by mocha0range
Use this to quickly clean-up a file which has opening braces on a new line, a particular annoyance of mine.
1 635 posted 14 years ago by Zenithus
This snippet is useful if you want to extract the relevant parts out of an Date header field of an email message. It was created according to the [RFC 5322 rules](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#page-15 "RFC 5322, Page 15"). It supports named capt...
1 734 posted 14 years ago by dreadwarrior
Credits to Julie. Here is a regex if you want this criteria: * Passwords will contain at least (1) upper case letter * Passwords will contain at least (1) lower case letter * Passwords will contain at least (1) number or special character...
2 663 posted 14 years ago by axelitus
http://www.trentmueller.com/blog/search-and-replace-wildcard-characters-in-dreamweaver.html -and- http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum46/1288.htm
0 562 posted 14 years ago by rwczippy
2 7563 posted 14 years ago by resurge
<p(.+)"> wählt alle p tags <option> dies entfernt alle <option> <option> <option>
0 505 posted 14 years ago by nico65
Use this to extract an HTML5 origin from a URI. $1 is the origin. The square brackets are there to support IPv6 addresses. Example: var html5OriginRegex = /^([\w-]+:\/*\[?[\w\.:-]+\]?(?::\d+)?).*/; "http://www.google.com:42/foo/bar/...
0 459 posted 15 years ago by Sephr
I know it's a very quick & simple Regex, but someone from work need it so I thought I should also put it here
1 633 posted 15 years ago by cristianciofu
This email snippet was borrowed from (FlashJunior), the original snippit is: http://snipplr.com/view/7743/email-check/
0 482 posted 15 years ago by binarynomad