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ffmpeg - Convert Sony Cybershot MPG file to mp4 for JavaFX 2
0 1160 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This type of conversion is very fast because the main audio video content is just copied (not converted) to a new container type of file.
1 1223 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Create this in: ~/.bash_aliases.
0 601 posted 11 years ago by lddurbin
Drop this in your project dir and run it. This will recursively kill CVS files and folders.
0 923 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Spacing between thead and tbody
0 3062 posted 11 years ago by satie83
will preload any background image referenced in your CSS.
0 787 posted 11 years ago by sarpay
Groovy file to md5 using Groovy and AntBuilder
0 1034 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
0 651 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
Use a regex to check the email address input
4 1229 posted 11 years ago by dreamstarter
You can use this to get the page source code of any valid URL. Tested on VS2010.
0 2022 posted 11 years ago by nimblebits
simple code of using Ajax by JavaScript or jQuery
0 1030 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
This is a bash file to Create or Delete Virtual Host in Ubuntu system and Apache server. This file open the Virtual Host in "/home/{user}/www/{domain}" To run this file you need to make this file executable: > sudo chmod u+x /path/to/file Th...
0 846 posted 11 years ago by roeyhaim
Explanation of the method used here in the URL.
0 478 posted 11 years ago by Omnikron13
0 860 posted 11 years ago by zhaowu
0 828 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This example is for an inline table value function with one string parameter t1 is of type YourDataContext and t2 is of type string(hence the name of the mole method)
0 1220 posted 11 years ago by kirstencris
This function mimics Photoshop overlay blending by accepting two RGB arrays, one which will be overlayed and one which will overlay. Opacity is optional.
0 718 posted 11 years ago by laurikar
Run these queries (phpMyAdmin will do) to delete all media in the library, and remove all post attachment affiliation
1 2477 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
The use of dynamic data acquisition on modern web sites and in a lot of intranet applications, sometimes means we have to build structures dynamically as data comes in from a feed or AJAX operations. The problem is not with the data, but rather that...
0 778 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
La función del SDKphp de facebook 'notifications' envia una notificación por parte de la aplicación al usuario que quieras (que haya aceptado tu aplicación).
0 756 posted 11 years ago by serialk89
see http://groovy.codehaus.org/gapi/groovy/inspect/swingui/ObjectBrowser.html
0 935 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
designing a simple horizontal tab menu by using ul and il elements with css.
0 925 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
A toolkit method for responsive development
0 669 posted 11 years ago by fasterhorses
Sample SVN call from gradle: doSvnMain( 'your', 'svn', 'args', 'go', 'here' );
0 1144 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Created this to generate file:/ script path for Groovy Refreshable Spring Beans for use in applicationContext.groovy because refresh feature wouldn't work when Groovy script is looked up on classpath.
0 999 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
0 645 posted 11 years ago by Alee
One of the great methods to load and work with icons in web pages is to load one image that is a collection of several icons and use any icon as needed, that reduces the number of server request and save bandwidth.
1 954 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
When this snippet is added to a class it provides the boolean property: osWindows
0 953 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Enables the usage off regions in node.tpl
0 732 posted 11 years ago by apmartins
This will loop through files in somefolder with the extension .c, print out the filename and compile the files.
0 1114 posted 11 years ago by stianlagstad
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