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A quick snippet to rotate a series of words on page load using PHP.
1 12891 posted 5 years ago by danparks
php list all files of a given directory
0 1225 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Convert easily XML File or String to Associative Array in PHP
0 1332 posted 9 years ago by kavikms
Sort & query arrays in PHP. Sort multi dimensional arrays by object properties and filter the array by specific criteria. Documentation: https://github.com/mattnicholson/DataList
1 1251 posted 10 years ago by mattnicholson
Works with any array
0 1206 posted 10 years ago by a1ias
shows how to use array_map to mine data from nested arrays.
0 973 posted 10 years ago by ryantxr
I created this code for practice, and I looking for better and clear solution for the last instance where I can write or delete the data, but after I want to get back the content as array or the key as string. I want to use this write-read back with...
0 1067 posted 10 years ago by gitarfogas
Creating a nested array from items with parent IDs. This is useful for when you have a website working with multiple categories with parent categories. But it can be applied anywhere, really!
0 1609 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
Traverses a multidimensional array and returns an array with the results. It also echoes the result as a string just for demonstration.
0 909 posted 11 years ago by gummiost
Search recursive in array
1 940 posted 11 years ago by bigmichiel
This snippet is a lambda function (anonymous function) to create an xml from an array. It uses recursiveness.
1 1108 posted 11 years ago by abrahamsustaita
This table is based on the ISO 2 letter (Alpha-2 code, ISO 639-1) and 3 letter (Alpha-3 code, ISO 639-2) Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages.
0 1525 posted 11 years ago by rwt
Checks if two given arrays equal each other as php doesn't have a built in function for this.
0 895 posted 12 years ago by MaxHudson
Outputs the content of a multi-dimensional array in the $GLOBALS['lv']
0 1045 posted 12 years ago by steho
Use it similar to in_array function of PHP.
0 1173 posted 12 years ago by kosinix
Function to convert a one dimensional array to two dimensional with option to specify how many columns. Returns two dimensional array on success or false on fail.
0 2407 posted 12 years ago by kosinix
Sum all elements of a bidimensional or multi-dimensional array with an assigned key
0 960 posted 12 years ago by eortiz
I use this primarily for debugging purposes. This simply takes an array and creates an expandable item that prints the array out in a \<pre\> wrapping, making it easy to read. Very basic snippet.
0 1086 posted 12 years ago by ringo380
Search recursively some value in array with the key name
0 979 posted 12 years ago by MonsterDev
Using array_map() on multidimensional arrays
0 1396 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
The following shoud do it. pass the array, index is what element you want to sort on (in your case use 3). Then you can sort asc or desc, and weather you want to use natural sorting (the way a human would sort, 2 before 10) and lastly case sensitive...
0 847 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
sort a multidimensional array by field
0 998 posted 12 years ago by akt
sort a multidimensional array by field
0 962 posted 12 years ago by akt
A nice way to do sorting of a key on a multi-dimensional array - DavidG
0 1144 posted 12 years ago by satie83
If you want to use this in a class, change the last line to: ` return array_map(array($this, __FUNCTION__), $object ); `
0 828 posted 12 years ago by jgomez
Converts a php object to an associative array
1 4582 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Writing an PHP array in a javascript file with json_encode.
0 1120 posted 12 years ago by Narayon
This sorts a multi-dimensional array by one of the values in the array. Sorts in Desc order (most recent date first).
0 1036 posted 13 years ago by bitsculptor
Very helpful function for sorting multi-dimensional arrays
0 1032 posted 13 years ago by chasecrawford
Ordena Array Bidimensional Asociativo de acuerdo a parametro del array.
0 834 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
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