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1 733 posted 15 years ago by manec
sorting a table through javascript
3 966 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
Many thanks to bloggingdeveloper.com for this one. Works like a charm. Usage is similar to server side built-in functions.
2 698 posted 15 years ago by charmcitycoder
I didn't realise until now you could do this in jQuery, very useful. Store a value for later use, then remove it.
4 867 posted 15 years ago by 1man
This is a sample Google Maps API script that shows a base map with city markers, each with a numbered label. The marker is a default, blank red marker with a number label defined by the overlay array. Clicking on a marker takes you to a page define...
1 1140 posted 15 years ago by bcalloway
Sample script to use Google API to display a map with multiple marker layers that can be toggled on/off using checkboxes. The map data is provided using the .kml files provided from "My Maps" on Google, or Google Earth files.
2 1728 posted 15 years ago by bcalloway
Escape all special regex characters (.*+?|()[]{}\) from a string. Useful when dynamically building a Regular Expression object based on input text that could hold regex characters.
2 1176 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Thanks to Matt Farina This snippet is useful for preloading content with media that has been received via an AJAX request. For simple preloading of known images, see similar snippet.
6 881 posted 15 years ago by nighthawk
Thanks to Matt Farina Also see similar snippet for preloading arbitrary content, e.g. media in content received via AJAX.
14 1022 posted 15 years ago by nighthawk
This code, when placed at the end of the body tag will set focus on the first visible enabled element on the screen. It considers visibility as well as all forms on-screen
0 668 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
You will need to download a few things to easily create rounded corners. They are jQuery (http://jquery.com/) and the jQuery rounded corners plug-in (http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/).
14 1063 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
Como hacer que el scroll de la página suba hasta arriba, para mostrar el principio de la página. Requiere el plugin Fx.Scroll que no viene con el core de Mootools 1.2.
1 623 posted 15 years ago by ianmonge
Go to link location when tab clicked (or selected actually) using 'select' event.
0 847 posted 15 years ago by ardissoebrata
0 682 posted 15 years ago by sandel
Based on my Annotations plugin this plugin offers the ability to use Mask annotations to apply input masks over input elements on a page. Very much BETA. See comments for use. <!--@Mask("##/##/####")-->
0 757 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
shows that 2 required args to the swf are being set in JS 'swflink' contains 'referer' , 'IpAddress' arg values so they will not be undefined
0 921 posted 15 years ago by rowntreerob
Constraints plugin (requires annotation plugin). This is the second draft version that has been severly refactoed both internally and externally.
0 717 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
The annotaion framework provides access to client side comment based DOM annotations. The framework does not imply any specific usage and is essentially useless on it's own. It merely provides another way to offer metadata for elements. An annota...
1 1765 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Como la palabra delete es una palabra reservada, daba error en la detección de esa tecla cuando es pulsada. Para detectar ese evento, hay que usar otra forma:
0 547 posted 15 years ago by ianmonge
originally posted by penguin999 here: http://snipplr.com/view/3372/radio-button-values-using-jquery/
2 1191 posted 15 years ago by omixen
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