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1 1041 posted 16 years ago by Bonky
this requires jquery.js, jquery.metadata.js, and jquery.validate,js
2 807 posted 16 years ago by bcalloway
When you're viewing an older version of a snippet, the Plain Text and Highlighted Text links point back to the latest version. This greasemonkey script fixes those links to point to the version you're currently viewing.
0 679 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
Borrowed from Ajaxian, url is above.
0 761 posted 16 years ago by mikegreen
4 906 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
For user-friendly animations on hover event. Prevents repeating animations when hovering object many many times. Example needs "jquery.color" plugin for color animations. But you can use any animations you want.
0 705 posted 16 years ago by DesTincT
Sniff and disable Firebug. Not sure why you'd need it though. Firebug is just great.
4 810 posted 16 years ago by zerolab
Description print_r - Prints human-readable information about a variable mixed print_r( mixed expression [, bool return] ) print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. Parameters * expression...
0 730 posted 16 years ago by ianmonge
Para validar si son dígitos, letras, números enteros o decimales (se puede seleccionar el separador de decimales). La función esDigito() y esLetra() está basada en otros códigos de Snipplr
1 625 posted 16 years ago by sulfurito
Modified just a bit. This version includes the Google Chrome beta.
2 841 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
This is a simple javascript snippet that will allow you to specify a particular class to a group of checkboxes and then select them all at once when you click the master checkbox. This came in very handy for a store inventory script when I needed to...
0 1014 posted 16 years ago by aristoworks
Just some pseudo-code notes about using labels with `break` and `continue` statements.
0 785 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
Highlight an address and click the bookmarklet to open it in Google Maps
1 710 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
In mouseout and mouseover event handlers, use this object to check if the mouse was leaving or entering a "landmark" element. See my [MouseEnter/Leave Handlers](http://snipplr.com/view/8913/mouseenterleave-handlers/) snipplet for a practical use....
3 855 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
Quick and easy way to feed flickr images into your website
2 720 posted 16 years ago by jessnoonyes
Post a stripped down version of the page if you can. One that shows exactly how the iframe fits into the structure of the page. The solution I settled on works like this: The parent page has a javascript function like this: function insertIt()...
0 1000 posted 16 years ago by jamesming
jQuery script for navigation image rollovers
6 745 posted 16 years ago by bcalloway
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