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In this example below I am moving the "recent blogs" module in "My Home" to the very top. I have placed this code in the footer of my Affiliate Center wrapped in script tags. For maximum efficiency: 1) Use the inspect tool in Firebug to find the...
0 580 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
This clean little script assumes you have a simple "A-name" style jump to some cool stuff at the bottom of the page that you want people to see. ID your link "browse" and your good. Certainly you could scroll to another ID on the page if you are so...
0 627 posted 15 years ago by esquareda
This is a basic script that will redirect a non-member to the login page with a custom message. Place the code between script tags in your Affiliate Center header. To use: 1) replace loginPage variable with your *login URL. 2) replace accessMe...
0 508 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Use the Ka.Util.getLocationParam utility method to get the mediaType GET parameter: --<br> For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="http://www.kickdeveloper.com/resources">KickApps resources page</a>.
0 634 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Using JSON-P with jQuery. Note the callback.
0 901 posted 15 years ago by 1man
Because WKW is a german social community, wird auch deutsch Kommentiert: Sobald der Kalender-Bereich aufgerufen wird, gesellt sich oben in der Menüzeile ein neuer Punkt hinzu "Grab BDdays!". Ein klick darauf listet alle Buddies mitsamt Geburtstagen...
0 544 posted 15 years ago by preasha
I came across this little snippet... and thought it was rather nice.
0 745 posted 15 years ago by gembry
Función para usar con el evento onkeydown, que funciona igual en todos los navegadores. Onkeypress devuelve 0 para las teclas especiales en navegadores que no sean Internet Explorer.
0 803 posted 15 years ago by kcmr
Always always always backup client side validation with server side validation! =D
2 965 posted 15 years ago by charmcitycoder
Add class external to all target=_blank links
4 935 posted 15 years ago by gfazioli
This is a very simple bookmarklet that will temporarily sort the *visible* messages in Gmail by subject. You'll have to run it again each time Gmail refreshes the list. [Sort Gmail Messages](javascript:(function(&#41;{function%20f(r&#41;{var%20t=r...
0 936 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Forces the redraw of the active document screen.
0 592 posted 15 years ago by preasha
This takes a very readable date, such as "Fri, 4 Dec 2008 15:13:00 +0000", and outputs it as a relative date (such as "1 hour ago").
1 887 posted 15 years ago by bjarkebech
0 493 posted 15 years ago by IJajan
Split and manipulate URLs easily with this module. It has similar interface to Python's urlparse library. This is patched and modified version from Denis's orignal implementation.
1 974 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
It is utterly annoying when DOM event handler exceptions fail silently with Firebug. This package fixes this common problem.
0 698 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
How to create a custom “:checked” pseudo selector for use in MooTools. It is just a small snippet but I’ve found it incredibly useful.
0 833 posted 15 years ago by ianmonge
by andrew weaver
2 626 posted 15 years ago by melvitax
0 470 posted 15 years ago by mn232nm
strip non alphanumerical characters while typing
1 639 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
a set of function useful to check data (functions name in italian but easy to translate).
0 970 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
1 689 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
Simply jQuery script for CSS drop-down menu
7 1034 posted 15 years ago by bcalloway
3 755 posted 15 years ago by jamesming
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