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Calculates the time in hh:mm:ss between two dates Usage: var past = new Date('1/1/2013'); var now = new Date(); var lapsed = past.lapsed(now);
0 752 posted 10 years ago by camdagr8
Function enables the reading of url appended variables. See URL for more information.
0 889 posted 10 years ago by gromitski
Compact Privacy Policy allowing cookies to be used in an iframe without being blocked by the host website. See link for further details.
0 737 posted 10 years ago by gromitski
Simple PHP Backdoor Shell // http://www.example.com/shell.php?cmd=dir
0 2310 posted 10 years ago by shopsplash
Truncates the given string at the specified length.
1 845 posted 10 years ago by JoshChris
Groovy script for hudson's scripler/script console (for latter case import line could be removed) aborting running builds with loo large logs.
0 930 posted 10 years ago by alces
enqueue a block at a certain time
0 1094 posted 10 years ago by yannxou
This is way to get different fg and bg colors inside 1 string. You provide escape like characters to define colors. This is a fg of #rRed #xand now we're back to normal. This is a bg of $bBlue#x and now we're back to normal. I can combine fg & b...
0 960 posted 10 years ago by Rick
Uses the object prototype to extend data. Instantiate as an object and use as specified below (bottom of the code)
0 830 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Convierte un campo de una tabla a llave foránea
0 840 posted 10 years ago by ironcrema
Having a handle for groups of options allows script driven dynamic effects to manage changes of presentation with in the select without having to refresh or use other inefficient methods of updating the display.
0 953 posted 10 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
behavior for validating numeric input
0 713 posted 10 years ago by dck11
Convert a listing to quote protected CSV
0 730 posted 10 years ago by johngh
Extrae subcadena de cadena separado por caracter
0 664 posted 10 years ago by ironcrema
0 697 posted 10 years ago by santamartastudio
Sublime Text
0 764 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Sublime Text
0 781 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Sublime Text
0 761 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Sublime Text
0 825 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Sublime Text
0 794 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Sublime Text
0 766 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
Bare outline for a PHPUnit test case
0 550 posted 10 years ago by steroidmonkey
Avoid history back when is pressed backspace key in number imput
0 686 posted 10 years ago by porquero
0 981 posted 10 years ago by amiranda
shows list of cpt for example on archive page when wpml is installed. if particular post has no translation, it shows it in default language
0 733 posted 10 years ago by kkarpieszuk
Source creating a new database (and inserting some records)
0 1016 posted 10 years ago by ktrout
simple ftp download example
0 870 posted 10 years ago by ktrout
Used parts of this in resetting my torrent upload information after losing if (was experimenting with switching to a new torrent-client). Only works on transmission-gtk torrent files [i think]
0 661 posted 10 years ago by ktrout
Stores country name code and capital in an array and returns it. (not completed)
0 746 posted 10 years ago by bluesh34
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