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Power search the internet to save time (everything you need in one place), save research work effort (time saved by less clicks and less surfing), save money (shopping comparisons). Here you can search all the top search engines in a dual pane window...
0 967 posted 10 years ago by trollize
Language dropdown list Dil seçim listesi
0 905 posted 10 years ago by Balamir
List of prime numbers between two number
0 910 posted 10 years ago by Sadeveloper
Swap strings in C++
0 766 posted 10 years ago by Sadeveloper
Count number of files on a ftp server
0 1111 posted 10 years ago by Sadeveloper
' ' ' 1, Create your cex.io account from https://cex.io/r/0/rbillig/0/ ( mandatory ) ' 2, Tranfer Bitcoins to you account ' 3, Under your CEX account, create a public and secret key ' 4, Modify the 3 vars below ( G_USERNAME, G_APIKEY...
0 1578 posted 10 years ago by rbillig
`^!d::` hot key is customizable. `+ ^c^+{+}` is "Shift space ; Ctrl C; Ctrl shift +", stands for "select row; copy; insert". `{Esc}{Down}{Up}` stands for "leave current copy selection; go down then up (to bring back the selection from the whole...
0 1015 posted 10 years ago by Ginko
This PrestaShop support module is used to manage ticket system. By using this plugin you can manage customers queries and complaints easily.This add-on allows to your customers to submit tickets with different format attachment files. Admin can also...
0 1397 posted 10 years ago by AlastairBrian
Positioning the normal metaboxes in WordPress admin (like Excerpt, Author etc.) before the WYSIWYG editor
1 565 posted 10 years ago by tkujawa
Write request data to a log file
0 919 posted 10 years ago by dmertl
Examine a date and return false if it's in the past, or true for the future. Slightly more complicated than it needs to be, however there's an easy tutorial with full explanation if you follow the attached link.
0 1796 posted 10 years ago by gromitski
I created myself an install file using PHP. What this file does is creates folders and puts in each folder the corresponding file from the zip. Afterwards these files are moved to other folders which are already created or will be created by the inst...
0 558 posted 10 years ago by PLATANIUM
I created myself an install file using PHP. What this file does is creates folders and puts in each folder the corresponding file from the zip. Afterwards these files are moved to other folders which are already created or will be created by the inst...
0 600 posted 10 years ago by PLATANIUM
Add / Remove comma for number in the thousands. Ex: 1,000 Useful for grabbing input values to format then display, remove the comma and convert back to number to do math.
0 1646 posted 10 years ago by supawaza
Dynamic equal height columns that account for padding and borders.
1 891 posted 10 years ago by o0110o
While the Pinnacle Cart API can handle some of this, I found it easier to query the database directly. This PCProduct class was developed for integrating Pinnacle Cart with WordPress with the following methods: - get_product($id) - get_product_by...
1 1001 posted 10 years ago by crypticsoft
The following script is used to perform batch backup of MSSQL server databases. It also compresses the backups using RAR that should already be installed on the computer. It is easy to use it in Windows Scheduler, in order to arrange daily backups of...
0 1001 posted 10 years ago by dimitrisdapontes
Code for single threaded python web server
0 966 posted 10 years ago by ronaklovespython
0 658 posted 10 years ago by thetwai
Returns, how many hudson slaves is connected and working now
0 975 posted 10 years ago by alces
Simple PHP functions to validate url, email address and ip, functions will return TRUE for valid data and FALSE for invalid data.
0 1109 posted 10 years ago by codingforever99
0 1017 posted 10 years ago by temanuel
0 972 posted 10 years ago by temanuel
with layer set prefix option and custom output path
0 917 posted 10 years ago by janusoo
Photoshop python script export multiple files with each layerSet
0 1124 posted 10 years ago by janusoo
before and after resourcing the label are shown
0 593 posted 10 years ago by davidjmcclelland
En Hosting Gratis, ellos ponen código de rastreo y publicidad anadiendolo en tus paginas webs, aveces estos códigos interfieren en consultas tipos webservice cuando el formato debe ser xml o json
0 787 posted 10 years ago by thescorpion
Gets all of a Wordpress post meta data in an array without specifying a key
1 732 posted 10 years ago by web_la
A function to create passwords for new users or password resets.
0 679 posted 10 years ago by luckygreentiger
An attempt for a semi-random salt in a stored password. It's not stored in the database so I believe it would be harder to discover. Samples should be changed.
0 592 posted 10 years ago by luckygreentiger
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