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0 870 posted 10 years ago by doctorS
Todays dates are shown as hh:mm, dates from yesterday and earlier as dd mmm. This can be useful, since recent dates are showing more details
0 1025 posted 10 years ago by lakkie
Hacer un pentágono con Turtle
0 1334 posted 10 years ago by a7xrturo
Cuenta vocales en la input.
0 1498 posted 10 years ago by a7xrturo
Contador de palabras en la input.
0 713 posted 10 years ago by a7xrturo
Calculadora de Área que soporta Cuadrado, Rectángulo, Triángulo, Círculo y Rombo.
0 924 posted 10 years ago by a7xrturo
Redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix
0 1032 posted 11 years ago by graceman9
Mixin sets element width without clogging your markup. Set layout width, number of columns and gutter width. I use it to make sites responsive when if don't need to change the amount of columns. eg. 1218px, 978px and 768px grids. Usage: Full...
0 838 posted 11 years ago by adambuczek
I find myself needing to constantly find new ways to massage the featured image via WordPress themes. This is my starting code. Note: I often use timthumb.
2 941 posted 11 years ago by FlashBuddy
Simple html page template with external css and javascript files
0 1037 posted 11 years ago by azmi
HTML5 input field with strict email validation
0 886 posted 11 years ago by tcspinks
Renames files in a directory. If no directory is specified, the current directory is used.
0 881 posted 11 years ago by ff1959
A quick function that makes it easy to convert an integer into a number string with commas inserted.
0 774 posted 11 years ago by uberdragon
Usage: var a = ['a','a','a']; var b = a.AllValuesSame(): //true var a ['1','1','2']; var b = a.AllValuesSame(); //false
0 2449 posted 11 years ago by uberdragon
This will calculate the ticks for google charts so that you can have a chart with a defined height, and still represent large data ranges with out all the vertical information getting bunched up together.
0 723 posted 11 years ago by uberdragon
I don't really know how other people do this kind of thing, but this was my take.
0 892 posted 11 years ago by domramirez
A couple of useful media queries...
1 1026 posted 11 years ago by iroybot
Call this method to set the intervals for a UISlider in Monotouch. You can remove the textbox parameter if you don't have them linked to sliders.
0 547 posted 11 years ago by negzero7
A sample JSON representation of an Esri Web map based on the [ExportWebMap specifications]( http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/rest/apiref/exportwebmap_spec.html) The JSON is a parameter to be input into the [Export Web Map task]( http://sample...
0 1234 posted 11 years ago by azmi
Add to config/site.php:
0 717 posted 11 years ago by stephcode
Boilerplate for DNN editor
0 718 posted 11 years ago by box86rowh
Here's a country list with continent and country by country code!
0 1334 posted 11 years ago by kilise
Creating fixed floated comment's box on right side
0 617 posted 11 years ago by maddev-
**Example of use:** if (!isUniversityEmail('[email protected]')) exit('You must have a valid and .edu email address to register for an account.');
1 997 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
Comingsoon Page for those who don't have time to code. HTML5 web form for email subscription. PHP backend and MySql database. Compatible across browsers
0 878 posted 11 years ago by flanker
For example, in a button, in OnClientClick method, pass parameters for a javascript method.
0 1749 posted 11 years ago by keidash
Wrapper over JPA query that avoid flush
0 856 posted 11 years ago by pachaman
By default Apache won't allow you to download a file over 2GB. This PHP script overcomes that along with some extra goodies. The script will read from standard url path the file on the server to download and display the filesize along with a link...
1 1063 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
To be used in WordPress template. List full taxonomy, or only custom post type associated with the post. Examples include a linking or non linking list.
2 742 posted 11 years ago by lromak
To insert custom loop of post attachments as images (at core or custom size) linked not to full size image but custom-configured (or core) size.
2 1000 posted 11 years ago by adambundy
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