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Reverse a linked list using Java.
0 693 posted 11 years ago by djangofan
This can come in handy for a reset or cancel button. You can clear all inputs within a single div in one line of code. Pretty sexy.
0 895 posted 11 years ago by mattvbiggs
Olá Pessoal, Neste artigo vou falar sobre Database Mirror, uma nova funcionalidade do SQL Server 2005 para alta disponibilidade.Database Mirror consiste em basicamente um espelhamento de um banco de dados, uma solução que fornece quase em tempo r...
0 460 posted 11 years ago by colonia
[register_nav_menus](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_nav_menus,"register_nav_menus") [wp_nav_menu](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nav_menu,"wp_nav_menu") [in_category](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Ref...
0 821 posted 11 years ago by hell0world
message alert, javascript alert
0 692 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
zadatak iz SP-a
0 752 posted 11 years ago by idurlen1
Outputs the content of a multi-dimensional array in the $GLOBALS['lv']
0 932 posted 11 years ago by steho
Special chars, Numbers validation.
0 1125 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
This redirect is domain independent.
0 905 posted 11 years ago by abwaters
This is a very basic wrapper for querySelectorAll. Just add prototypes and whatever else you need.
1 805 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
In my WP networks, I use a custom 404 page and plugin to answer calls asking for user information from a custom api. The API requires a URL format like this: domain.com/username/ However, users don't ever type a trailing slash, nor should they, so...
0 1174 posted 11 years ago by lucasoptura
PHP script calculating the age of a customer coming from a webEdition field of the customer management.
0 837 posted 11 years ago by steho
Image file upload, javascript
0 784 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
0 598 posted 11 years ago by msstar
With this statement you can reload a page, this will also reset any forms on the page.
1 658 posted 11 years ago by seloh77
A complete example of how we can create a Preloader in actionscript3 to load an external .swf file. STRUCTURE ------------------ Source Swf |_ Main.fla |_ Main.as |_ Main.swf Preloader Swf |_
0 1055 posted 11 years ago by jquery404
I love this one. Needed a good way to numerically sort IP addresses or OIDs. Took longer to come up with this than I'm willing to admit. Hope others find it useful.
0 1014 posted 11 years ago by kurtkincaid
customized version of Sexy Bash Prompt
1 1218 posted 11 years ago by oxnard
Useful trick from css tricks blog at http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/fixing-ie-z-index/
0 932 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
So, you define a couple of fake funcs and require WP database config, after this you can require wp-db.php, create new wpdb and use it independency of WP for your ajax actions.
0 895 posted 11 years ago by Zayac
Validates Numericals in a text box. Validates spaces in a text box.
0 978 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
batch accounts import into discuz with python
0 1226 posted 11 years ago by dylanninin
Add the following code to functions.php 1: WP backend 2: Appearance -> Editor 3: functions.php
0 704 posted 11 years ago by hell0world
Keep the namespace name, class name, guid that VS automatically generates. Make sure all of the "using" inclusions included.
0 937 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
This is some code using Thematic Child Theme overrides to remove thematic's post thumbnails and add Post Thumbnails outside of the .entry-content <div> so that POst Thumbnails can be styled separated from all post Meta. See this page for an example...
0 820 posted 11 years ago by AndrewThinkUp
I am using thesis developer version to redesign the site [FFXIV Gil](http://www.cheapffxivgils.com/ "Cheap FFXIV GIL"). Before using the code, you should add the Unique Hook Name to BOX in template(see [the official tutorial](http://diythemes.com/t...
0 666 posted 11 years ago by hell0world
Create navigation links without the need of a plugin, using paginate_links function of wordpress core.
0 1893 posted 11 years ago by rudwolf
A simple template for a JavaScript function which allows for an arbitrary number of named arguments to be passed in. This is achieved by passing a single object as an argument with each of the 'real' arguments being a key/value pair. In this way argu...
0 1295 posted 11 years ago by davidwaterston
Eric Meyer's Reset Reloaded + HTML 5, from Boilerplate
9 13455 posted 11 years ago by lookingforsome
For responsive grid layouts
1 733 posted 11 years ago by lookingforsome
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