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Does not require http in the text to link. It must start with www however. Optionaly make the links popup in a new window.
0 1233 posted 11 years ago by halk
Ask the user with a confirmation dialog if the link should be followed or not.
0 643 posted 11 years ago by gummiost
This is a public jsonp api. I use it with jQuery Like This: $.getJSON("http://yourdomain/yourpath/jsonp_api.php?method=getSchema&params=your_db_name&jsoncallback=?", function(data){ //DO SOMETHING WITH THE DATA HERE }...
1 1040 posted 11 years ago by halk
One line to determine start of previous month
1 733 posted 11 years ago by snoopmole
Adding this snippet to the functions.php of your wordpress theme will restrict wp-admin access to certain users as defined at http://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities And also still allows for user access to admin-ajax.php , async-uplo...
0 636 posted 11 years ago by jsmithies
How to find a given column in a given database in MySQL
1 881 posted 11 years ago by philsown
A nice, subtle effect that really makes text pop a bit.
0 526 posted 11 years ago by rj1094
Copy rows based on criteria to a new sheet or file
0 916 posted 11 years ago by angelia
'Append data from multiple worksheet to single worksheet macro
0 793 posted 11 years ago by angelia
Use it similar to in_array function of PHP.
0 1024 posted 11 years ago by kosinix
ver tablas que tiene un usario asiganadas por privilegio
0 3689 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
Uso de Grant y Revoke de objetos masivos de distintos user
0 656 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
This would convert images at 30fps to a mp4 video, with sequence titles: ImageName0000.png, ImageName0001.png, etc. You could use -r 1/5 to use one frame every five seconds.
1 947 posted 11 years ago by jmiller
Main funkcija realizacije 1. zadatka.
0 536 posted 11 years ago by PedjaCacic
thanks to... http://gskinner.com/RegExr/ http://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls
1 2334 posted 11 years ago by brandonjp
A little pile of functions I use for implementing a nice var dump alternative.
0 832 posted 11 years ago by philsown
This PHP removes menu items from the WordPress dashboard
0 780 posted 11 years ago by ecksteing
Zaglavlje s implementacijom funkcija pomoću pokazivača
0 590 posted 11 years ago by Jurij
zaglavlje s funkcijama implementiranim kroz polje
0 650 posted 11 years ago by Jurij
main dio programa za prvi zadatak
0 580 posted 11 years ago by Jurij
Prvi zadatak; biblioteke (lista_poazivac.h, lista_polje.h), glavni program
0 520 posted 11 years ago by Dhorvat
Zaglavlje za pokazivace
0 640 posted 11 years ago by ihontic
Implementacija liste pomocu pokazivaca
1 809 posted 11 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Glavni dio programa
0 690 posted 11 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Glavni dio programa za 1. zadatak iz kolegija "Strukture podataka"
1 729 posted 11 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Header lista_polje.h, implementacija liste pomoću polja
0 607 posted 11 years ago by markoaleric
Implementacija liste pomocu polja
0 573 posted 11 years ago by tsteyska
Implementacija liste pomocu pokazivaca
0 545 posted 11 years ago by tsteyska
Ovo je moja lista polja koju sam koristio u svom glavnom programu koja je implementirana kao lista pomoću polja
0 597 posted 11 years ago by Pvrbek
Ovaj program služi za evidenciju životinja (šifra životinja,vrsta,naziv,cijenu i datum dostave).Program je implementiran pomoću lista s pomoću pokazivača i pomoču polja koje smo stavili kao dvije različite datoteke zaglavlja s pomoću kojih...
0 526 posted 11 years ago by Pvrbek
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