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Any valid json object will be recursively traversed building a nested unordered list of its properties and their values. This example parses the json entered in the text area into an object that is passed to the json_tree() function. I use the twit...
0 1051 posted 11 years ago by halk
Emulates the StringBuilder() function found in .NET Languages
0 585 posted 11 years ago by jswaringen
this is how to instantiate a dropdown shadow using js code, works in IE10 and windows store apps. Important for when you want use templates.
0 1209 posted 11 years ago by Syllogism
raty named jquery plugin for star rating
0 686 posted 11 years ago by ggmittal
This gives the code for creating a custom post type with all the necessary labels and even custom message support, and it gives the code for a custom taxonomy with that post type.
0 984 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
For some reason setting a default value for select elements does not work. This one line of jquery solves that problem. Assign a value (value="something") to the select tag that is to be the default value. With jquery get all select elements with a...
0 1393 posted 11 years ago by halk
Highlight Search Terms in Text
0 872 posted 11 years ago by pruntrut
This will monitor the status of all ajax calls on the page. When ajax starts i show an animated spinner gif and display a message that ajax has been requested. On completion of a call the status returned is displayed and the spinner is hidden to in...
1 862 posted 11 years ago by halk
Función php para mostrar el número total de entradas o post de una determinada categoría en WordPress
0 665 posted 11 years ago by maiden
All you need to do is create a child theme, and create a new comments.php file inside that child theme. Then insert this code into the comments.php file you just created;
2 848 posted 11 years ago by jhkoning
Viewport Meta Tag for recognizing mobile devices, Insert between <head></head> tag
1 1018 posted 11 years ago by klagraff
A simple class to cache files (or other results) with PHP.
1 1041 posted 11 years ago by peckham
Cascading Style Sheets allow developers to exercise greater control over background images on the Web. You can make an image tile vertically across the page, horizontally across the page, or both. Simply define the style at the top of the page, and d...
0 887 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Takes a # of seconds and converts it to human readable format. If happened within seconds-years.
0 921 posted 11 years ago by mburica
This creates a custom page template designed to run a Facebook photo contest utilizing the Facebook like button and uses Wordpress featured images for each post in a grid. This setup requires the following: - iLoveIt Wordpress Theme - Creat...
0 782 posted 11 years ago by SmashArtist
This will show you what template you are currently viewing (index.php, page.php)
0 841 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
This allows you to change the post updated message that wordpress automatically inserts.
0 979 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Función php para reemplazar palabras dentro de los post de WordPress.
0 729 posted 11 years ago by maiden
Para limpiar o borrar una parte especifica de nuestro canvas podemos usar la función clearRect()
0 1351 posted 11 years ago by maiden
Simple logger function
1 873 posted 11 years ago by MikeDevDes
0 739 posted 11 years ago by XtreamIT
Blank HTML template with minimal hosted srcs and respond.js
0 1113 posted 11 years ago by jerryhdev
This is another login method, a little more robust
0 925 posted 11 years ago by box86rowh
Mostrar Objetos que hacen Referencia a un Objeto Especifico en Oracle
0 863 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
It is a bit simpler reversing of multibyte strings.
0 954 posted 11 years ago by iTony
Also extended C# LINQ and Extension method (simple) to include the last (MAX) Date Created property, added a new Folder class (model) with properties and included them in a List<Folder>. Also, amended the LINQ statement to get the MAX(Date Created) .
0 726 posted 11 years ago by ed_trench
PDO-format insert array function
0 1080 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
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