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Cross Browser CSS Arrows / Triangles ======== *Tags: css, css Arrow, CSS Triangles, Cross Browser CSS Arrow, Cross Browser CSS Triangle* **Copyrights:** All Copyrights reserved to [Mohamed Alaa - Front End Developer](http://www.seniorwebdes...
0 929 posted 12 years ago by MohamedAlaa
Apply this to a <span> after floats
0 488 posted 12 years ago by vshjxyz
A Simplified solution to CSS-Tricks Starry Night Parallax Effect. Se URL for demo and original article. Example files can also be downloaded at the URL.
0 775 posted 12 years ago by DeluxiveState
A small tip I picked up yesterday while developing a HTML email for a client. If you are testing in Hotmail using a browser other than Internet Explorer, you may notice that the email seems to left align and doesn’t display any background colours o...
0 692 posted 12 years ago by i-am-andy
CSS3 Normalize for Required and Placeholder...
0 542 posted 12 years ago by rigobcastro
This needs to be used with the code that gets output using the quick highlighter. Follow these steps to use with WordPress: First copy your php code Go to http://quickhighlighter.com/ Paste your code into the textarea Click Highli...
0 703 posted 12 years ago by jeremyjared74
0 553 posted 12 years ago by anaplusx
This is PURE CSS. Tested in IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
0 681 posted 12 years ago by officiallyWise
0 718 posted 12 years ago by rprol
highlight images with no declared size
0 433 posted 12 years ago by Internet-Uzver
On screen: Click here to see the pics! On print: Click here [link: http://www.shabada.boh] to see the pics!
0 664 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
0 638 posted 12 years ago by Sullan
Pure CSS3 buttons with 9 pre-defined colours and 3 styles. Adapted from Web Designer Wall - http://www.webdesignerwall.com/demo/css-buttons.html
1 748 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
0 694 posted 12 years ago by elico
0 2240 posted 12 years ago by rprol
Trimmed and personalised version of Eric Meyer's Reset CSS.
0 944 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
0 496 posted 12 years ago by sridhar
0 762 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
HTML should look like this: <div> <p>Lorem ipsum here</p> </div> <div> <img> </div>
0 807 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
0 708 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
Well, many of you are used to just replace the lack of min / max width / height for IE with fixed dimensions, right? But you don’t need to do it anymore. IE is not a strict standards browser and sometimes we can take advantage of this to code thing...
0 865 posted 12 years ago by a1ias
0 699 posted 12 years ago by ajbatac
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