
Member since 06/17/2008

Name: Andy Harrison


Location: Woodbridge, VA

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wizard04's Recent Snippets

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This requires my [date formatting script](http://snipplr.com/view/54806/javascript-date-formatting/). (date).toISO() converts the Date object to an ISO 8601 string Date.fromISO() converts an ISO 8601 string to a Date object
0 1089 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
Get the value of the autonumber field for the last record inserted into an Access database via the current connection.
0 984 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
Format a date into a string using several string variables. Usage: (new Date("6/6/2011")).format("%W, %B %d%o, %Y"); Result: Monday, June 6th, 2011
0 1122 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
Brilliant solution using Object.prototype.toString() Test cases included (commented out)
0 747 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
Enhanced cross-browser event handling
0 959 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
Returns an object with the `event.button` values of both the W3C and Microsoft models.
0 894 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
These functions allow you to set a handler for a mouseleave/enter event.
0 815 posted 13 years ago by wizard04
A recent update to either Google's search results page or Firefox's Tab Mix Plus add-on has prevented a locked tab from opening links in a new tab. This Greasemonkey script removes the tracking code on the Google links that causes the problem. I don'...
0 936 posted 14 years ago by wizard04
1 930 posted 14 years ago by wizard04
A more useful version of `typeof` and functions to test if a parameter is of a specified type.
0 698 posted 14 years ago by wizard04
An implementation of class inheritance in JavaScript.
0 748 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
For some reason, Snipplr has decided not to HTML-encode <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&gt;</code> signs (i.e., replacing them with `&lt;` and `&gt;`) that a user inputs into a comment box, and instead strips anything that looks like a tag from the comm...
0 1077 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Select some text to translate, or don't select anything to translate the entire page.
0 764 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Functions to make using regular expressions a bit easier. They're named after the respective PHP function.
2 1219 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Checks if an array has been initialized, even if it is a dynamic array.
1 927 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
For cross-browser code--which is not necessarily valid--the [Embedded Media HTML Generator](http://cit.ucsf.edu/embedmedia/step1.php) provides a great starting point.
1 951 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Fixes and fallbacks for IE for [my reset stylesheet](http://snipplr.com/view/16353/ "DzR Full CSS Reset"). Actually two separate stylesheets: one for IE in general and one for IE6 specifically. [Part I](http://snipplr.com/view/16353/ "DzR Maste...
0 795 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
An add-on to [my reset stylesheet](http://snipplr.com/view/16353/ "DzR Full CSS Reset"). Many helpful classes for layout, writing styles, paged media, etc. For the `printHref` class, you'll need to replace "example.com" with your own domain. [P...
0 776 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
A very thorough CSS reset stylesheet I created for HTML 4.01 using CSS 3 (and older). [Part II](http://snipplr.com/view/16354/"DzR Master Stylesheet (Part II, Classes)") [Part III](http://snipplr.com/view/16355/ "DzR Master Stylesheet (Part...
0 809 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
There are several fixes out there that work in different ways, but none of them are perfect (especially regarding background images). Here's a list of the ones I've found that work reasonably well&mdash;try them out to find one that works for your w...
0 735 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
Test page to check the support of different CSS media types in browsers. If you go into Print Preview, for example, the Print media type should show as "In Use" if it is supported.
0 1039 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
This is a very simple bookmarklet that will temporarily sort the *visible* messages in Gmail by subject. You'll have to run it again each time Gmail refreshes the list. [Sort Gmail Messages](javascript:(function(&#41;{function%20f(r&#41;{var%20t=r...
0 1090 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
These functions allow you to easily set a handler for a virtual mouseleave/enter event. This requires my [MouseBoundaryCrossing](http://snipplr.com/view/8206/crossbrowser-mouseenterleave-solution/) class.
1 807 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
When you're viewing an older version of a snippet, the Plain Text and Highlighted Text links point back to the latest version. This greasemonkey script fixes those links to point to the version you're currently viewing.
0 782 posted 16 years ago by wizard04
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