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Everyone's Recent ActionScript 3 Snippets

A dynamic text field doesn't like to be set to bold (or italic, whatever). You can get around this issue by creating a text format in actionscript and setting that field's format to this newly-created one. This is only good for having a text field...
1 1180 posted 15 years ago by Winkyboy
Easily create a SINGLE USE ONLY (Singleton) Class Object with this template.
1 888 posted 15 years ago by allnatural
0 1134 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
This describes how to embed font in to Flex(mxml) file without using the <mx:style> tag (fully AS3).
1 1026 posted 15 years ago by shabith
This is an example of how to define a default skin in a component written in ActionScript 3 that extends a spark component.
0 746 posted 15 years ago by GarthDB
I always forget how to implement a button with active mousecursor....
0 689 posted 15 years ago by pfeisinger
I convert the google pr fetch code from php to actionscript.
2 864 posted 15 years ago by zhengrenchi
Add this to your Utilities class and use it like Utilities.moveToTop(your_clip);
2 843 posted 15 years ago by ozke
1 609 posted 15 years ago by lzyy
Easy little script to grab the current frame's BitmapData from a Video()
2 982 posted 15 years ago by allnatural
TextExpander is a great Mac tool that expands special abbreviations typed anywhere in the OS into useful snippets of text. One of the AppleScript snippets included shortens a URL in the clipboard using the bit.ly URL-shortening service. You copy the...
2 2935 posted 15 years ago by Todd
This snippet uses the as3corelib which you can download on this page: http://code.google.com/p/as3corelib/
3 829 posted 15 years ago by publicbroadcast
Just a bare-bones DocumentClass template I use.
1 707 posted 15 years ago by allnatural
0 692 posted 15 years ago by allnatural
Use this to dynamically copy objects.
0 788 posted 15 years ago by allnatural