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The key to making it work is the event listener that get added using the DOM method that binds it to the mousemove event and declares the event handler. Most event can be bound to a handler this way.
0 1005 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Get your screen resolution use JavaScript
0 765 posted 9 years ago by BebenKoben
Check if jquery was loaded from CDN. If not, load it from own website.
0 1047 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
The new updated introduced auto scrolling to highlighted elements, possibility to hide 'next' and 'skip' buttons, add html markup in description, and more.
0 1392 posted 9 years ago by lanagio
JavaScript Google Enabler. This code should be placed in all html creatives for Google DoubleClick Studio.
0 1310 posted 9 years ago by RodolfoMiranda
0 1353 posted 9 years ago by chrisaiv
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1290 posted 9 years ago by kengajunior
By Matt Lagrandeur
0 1128 posted 9 years ago by tionazo
With publicly available information and a little math it is possible to not only validate a given card number, but to determine the financial institution that issued the card, the type of industry the issuer belongs to, the actual account number and...
0 1261 posted 10 years ago by geneticcode
0 795 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
saveToStorage("objectName", {javascript:"object"}); To get the object use getFromStorage("objectName"); If the object does not exist, the function returns new empty object;
0 851 posted 10 years ago by burnandbass
Make a simple XHR Request: get(url, function(resp)(){ window.alert(resp); }); Source is minified.
0 971 posted 10 years ago by geneticcode
Permet de préremplir des champs avec le premier et le dernier jour du mois courant au format jj/mm/aaaa
0 1187 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
List of websites I should follow to keep an eye on Javascript development.
0 714 posted 10 years ago by bboydflo
have to change this snippet in order to hide filtered rows. Not tried out yet, but works fine in the jsfiddle
0 1117 posted 10 years ago by bboydflo
0 1029 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
0 1106 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
0 813 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
#bxSlider Prevent bxSlider stop auto slides transition, when navigating through slides.
0 912 posted 10 years ago by flexyournoggin
This snippet allows to know the parent function caller name of any level from the calling function.
1 829 posted 10 years ago by zandor
Convert Symbol to Bitmap in Current Layer
0 1419 posted 10 years ago by janusoo
I was studying Japanese adjectives and ye olde paper and pen wasn't enough so I made this. Basic as the basic can be
0 10730 posted 10 years ago by hamittou
Uses javascript to create a hidden iframe which downloads the file
0 2696 posted 10 years ago by jakob101
A template for a javascript object with a object.create shiv to condense into object prototypes
0 928 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Populating Table from Inline Json Data in Angular js
0 1089 posted 10 years ago by bitsofcodec
Brendan Eich is working on officially adding Math.TAU to JavaScript. Until JavaScript has full support for the Math.TAU constant, you can add the following at the start of your programs to add support for the TAU constant.
0 795 posted 10 years ago by pmw57
This example of code allows you to create a new object in javascript (using simple inheritance) such that the class of the object is defined from a variable. After creating the object you may use it for your purposes.
0 892 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
ClickDesk's website chat JavaScript API is very basic, it only allows for a few customisations, but no event control. And with a last of whitelist/blacklist URL restriction functionality on a large site their code is often in the template. I created...
0 857 posted 10 years ago by mountainash
This script will grab the YouTube video ID using regex so that many different types of YouTube urls. This will also output the id and thumbnail to view.
0 1118 posted 10 years ago by astralis
From @blixt http://stackoverflow.com/users/119081/blixt As you can see, the classes correctly interact with each other (they share the static id from MyClass, the announce method uses the correct get_name method, etc.) One thing to note is the...
1 926 posted 10 years ago by rickygri