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A program I wrote for data analysis during my final project at university.
0 513 posted 11 years ago by dancohen990
PrestaShop Advance SEO module is offered by FME. This module is used to configure On Page SEO components of Product pages. The Meta title, keywords and descriptions can be utilized by using this module. Due to its intelligent formula this module is a...
0 926 posted 11 years ago by AlastairBrian
You can run this in firebug to get yourself an up to date select with all the Industries listed on this page. http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/industry-codes
0 512 posted 11 years ago by hcker2000
Agrega Llave Foránea
0 618 posted 11 years ago by ironcrema
This is a good way to show the difference between files side by side to quickly see what parts are not the same, if any.
0 908 posted 11 years ago by donkeykong
Ejemplo de Carga de Página con Nokogiri
0 904 posted 11 years ago by danielousky
Prints out a list of any field containing duplicates with count
0 899 posted 11 years ago by flatearthcomms
Traverses a multidimensional array and returns an array with the results. It also echoes the result as a string just for demonstration.
0 807 posted 11 years ago by gummiost
The telnet is insecure and unencrypted protocol. The use of this unencrypted protocol could allow users to sniff network traffic and to steal sensitive information like username and password.
0 911 posted 11 years ago by danielt72
If you want to have an element that appears on a higher z-index than another, but don't want it to receive click events, use the following:
0 706 posted 11 years ago by chris5marsh
Problem You want to recursively change all of the file permissions only on folders & subfolders in a directory, but not the files (or vice-versa: you want to change the permissions on files only, not folders).
0 861 posted 11 years ago by nkm
This is the code to add facebook comments to your wordpress site.
1 1013 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
This will print out a variable to a <pre>
0 743 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
Generate a generic file comment
0 799 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
Generate a generic function comment block
0 662 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
This is a quick sublime snippet to quickly setup a DB table for pagination. Ideally from here you will be into a smarty template.
0 670 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
Launch DOS prompt to the SharePoint 2013 hive. To 'Run as Administrator' simply right-click on the batch file and select that option.
0 1090 posted 11 years ago by adove
Open Windows Explorer to the SharePoint 2013 hive using a batch file. Double-click the batch file.
0 1099 posted 11 years ago by adove
When using PDO with sQlite ->rowCount() doesn't work. the recommendation is to do a pre query to get the number. Thus, I created this snippet to help things along.
0 735 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
You can put the user's cursor inside a text box or put focus on select box as soon as your page is loaded. This helps ensure that visitors do not 'overlook' an important form item on your site and this snippet only uses one line of code!
0 770 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
How to create animate rotation for a element.
0 876 posted 11 years ago by keidash
This simple function allows you to getect a country code and city of your site visitors, using the www.geoplugin.net service. You may use this data to add default values in registration form or use it for any other purposes, like blocking access to y...
0 1285 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Nowadays majority of sites uses the jQuery JavaScript library. A lot of them also make use of Google's hosted version of the library from some reasons: faster loading, better cross site caching etc. However, what if there is ever a problem and jQuery...
0 658 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Externalizable interface provides you an alternate to Serializable interface. In Externalizable, you specify how/what to persist. Seralizable persists all non-transient elements using default serialize/deserialize implementation.
0 877 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
Today in the days of high-resolution widescreen displays, it's annoying to visit websites that are formatted like it's 1990's. aligned all the way to the left. Make sure your website doesn't suffer the same fate by forcing it;s content to center hori...
0 834 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This example shows you how to define custom error pages in .htaccess file and also how to display the error page on your site. You may create separate files for each error, described in Sample 1 or just create the one PHP file for Sample 2. Here...
0 884 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This java code, when executed, throws OOM error. Java Console: ... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ... Heapdump Data: ... 1STHEAPFREE Bytes of Heap Space Free: 0 1STHEAPALLOC Bytes of Heap Space Allocated: 666...
0 929 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
Place this snippent in your script, and call it like this: urllib.urlretrieve(getFile, saveFile, reporthook=report) Notice it is the 3rd argument that calls the function on each file that needs to be downloaded.
1 1935 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
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