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Simply paste the following snippet of code into your theme's functions.php file and adjust the CSS on line 4 as needed.
0 979 posted 10 years ago by chrisaiv
This snippet provides Enum codes for ISO 639-3 Language Codes. One might be inclined to use the CultureInfo class, but according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21042081/cultureinfo-and-iso-639-3 there is no direct mapping. If you need this for...
0 1914 posted 10 years ago by misholson
A snippet that will centre an image within a container. The image also has a hover and background element 'on' the image.
0 1070 posted 10 years ago by brontus
来自StockTrader Dbloader
0 707 posted 10 years ago by gujingshui
I was studying Japanese adjectives and ye olde paper and pen wasn't enough so I made this. Basic as the basic can be
0 10486 posted 10 years ago by hamittou
Note: change build Action of file to resource
0 836 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
don't forgot to add capability ID_CAP_IDENTIFY_DEVICE
0 780 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
for save settings in windows phone
0 711 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
0 836 posted 10 years ago by the_coder
Aliases command "go!" to starting AND restarting rails server for a project from anywhere in the filesystem. Replace PROJECT_HOME with the path to your project. Place in config.fish
0 731 posted 10 years ago by Epigene
his simple patch solves the problem when building on windows with usernames with non-ascii letters.
0 1015 posted 10 years ago by composite
Thanks to Tom McFarlin for this. http://tommcfarlin.com/wordpress-post-exists-by-id/#more-30264
1 1683 posted 10 years ago by adambundy
Credit: Tim Schmelter
0 857 posted 10 years ago by RhinoX64
A simple find function on an email string to identify of the string is a correctly formatted email address.
1 1145 posted 10 years ago by dreamstarter
Uses javascript to create a hidden iframe which downloads the file
0 2637 posted 10 years ago by jakob101
This example shows you how to log errors to a file, and prevent showing them to the user. Make sure that the file exists and you're able to write to it.
0 936 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Here you may find some useful snippets for calculating relative time for different purposes: to get info from a column within certain date, like the latest 7 days, to get time interval etc.
0 841 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Add an image to the email, must be linked not embedded ie in thunderbird mail moz-do-not-send attribute must be set true. any requests for this gif image will be redirected through display which will log the request and serve up the stored t.gif i...
0 980 posted 10 years ago by stiva71
This is a class to encapsulate rabbit mq sending and receiving.
0 763 posted 10 years ago by ryantxr
for Cron: # run $ crontab -e # then add this */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 && /home/username/path/to/script.py > /dev/null # then save. # This cron job will run every minute
0 1004 posted 10 years ago by pantuts
Remove Wordpress empty paragraphs form the_content() function.
0 2565 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Add custom header style for Admin
0 853 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Add a css file to style the visual editor to resemble the theme style.
1 964 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Add page name slug to Wordpress body class array.
0 953 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Add Google Lato Font link from Google Fonts to your website. It will add to your admin area also.
0 812 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Delete from table with limit (mySQL)
0 998 posted 10 years ago by Kcko
from codeproject
0 1056 posted 10 years ago by hairajeshk
A template for a javascript object with a object.create shiv to condense into object prototypes
0 852 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Copy from one object to another of the same type
0 1575 posted 10 years ago by rralhan
This snippet shows you how to reload the UIAppearance of an application after changes made on the proxies. This is required because iOS nativaly only load appearance proxies on "applicationDidFinishLaunching".
0 1830 posted 10 years ago by Nibli
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